XIOTRI: mausoleums

2 min readOct 27, 2020

Today we are excited to announce the imminent launch of our version of yield generating vaults, the “mausoleums”. We will be producing 3 vaults (ETH, USDC, USDT), with 3 different time locking periods (1D, 7D, 30D). The base requirements to use these vaults are the ETH, and stable coins — you will have to deposit these assets, and choose a timeline that you feel comfortable locking those assets in for.

We’ve generated an algorithm that will then take those assets (ETH, USDT, and USDC) and generate yield external to the XIOTRI ecosystem. The deposited assets will be returned to the depositor in the form of ETH, and the yield will be collected in either the form of XIOT, or bXIOT — which will be bought from market to be returned to the depositor as well.

To recap: the depositor received their initial investment returned, AND the yield in the form of XIOT/bXIOT.

Because the landscape of the yield aggregators in the DeFI space are constantly changing, our algorithms will then scan the horizon for the best yield to generate to benefit the users of our ecosystem.


Of course, this would not be a true XIOTRI product if we did not add a bonus for using a XIOTRI asset somewhere along the lines.

What we have done, is allowed for an OPTIONAL secondary asset — either dXIOT or RI, to be deposited in the vault with the primary asset. This secondary asset, and how much you deposit with your primary asset will directly result in better yield for the depositor.

The yield% bonus for RI has a minimum deposit of 50RI, and a maximum of 5000RI, with a yield amplification curve from .8% to 8%.

The yield% bonus for dXIOT has a minimum deposit of 50dXIOT, and a maximum of 500dXIOT, with a yield amplification curve from 1.25% to 12.5%.

we feel this flowchart represents our vaults accurately.

It is absolutely not required to use RI, or dXIOT in our vaults — and we encourage everyone to ensure that using these products fit within their risk limits.


